KX Featured on 2018 IoT Landscape Map

7 March 2018 | 2 minutes

First Mark Capital‘s Matt Turck has been talking about the growth of both the Big Data and the Internet of Things ecosystems for several years in his blog and elsewhere. An outgrowth of this interest has been his creation of graphic “maps” of both the Big Data landscape and the Internet of Things landscape that portray all of the significant players in those markets in a particular year. Subsequent versions of Matt’s maps, which are published annually, show the speed of change of IoT technologies and approaches, especially for managing and analyzing large datasets generated by IoT devices.

The latest edition of the 2018 IoT Landscape features KX in the Platforms/Analytics section, a recognition that companies with high volumes of streaming, real-time and historical sensor data are increasingly turning to KX because of our high-performance database platform kdb+. Kdb+ was designed from the start to manage low-latency and high-volume event processing on extremely large datasets.

An example of how KX technology is playing a role in Industry 4.0 is the use of KX technology for IoT precision manufacturing by a Fortune 500 software engineering company. This firm supplies equipment, services, and software to high-tech manufacturers. With KX they find that their manufacturing software systems can handle millions of sensor readings per second, an order of magnitude faster than customary industry standards. With kdb+, this manufacturer is able to stay ahead of the competition.

As more data is generated by more sensors in the IoT landscape the need for high-performance analytics on extremely large datasets is going to continue to grow. We expect that expanding the use of kdb+ in this marketplace will continue to put us on the map.

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