by James Corcoran The rapid – and ongoing – digital transformation of virtually every industry sector on the planet has super-charged the growth of data […]
By Noel Byrne Kdb+ was the selected database component for recent STAC-M3 -benchmark tests on Dell hardware. In the tests, kdb+ 4.0 was distributed across […]
KX Launches KDB.AI Server Edition For Enterprise-Scale Generative AI
KX has announced the general availability of KDB.AI Server, a highly-performant, scalable, vector database for time-orientated generative AI and contextual search.
Trade Surveillance: A Holistic, Risk-Centric Approach
If you approach surveillance intelligently, you can probably address 80% of your risks with a smaller number of well-thought-out functions, as long as they’re integrating with each other.
In this in-Focus Report surveillance practitioners discuss the challenges they face in monitoring complex transaction flows, booking systems and price discovery, and how a more holistic approach could help them reduce false positives, minimize time to investigate and cut costs.
In this in-Focus Report surveillance practitioners discuss the challenges they face in monitoring complex transaction flows, booking systems and price discovery, and how a more holistic approach could help them reduce false positives, minimize time to investigate and cut costs.
To download a copy of the 1lod in-Focus Report, please complete this form.