Backtesting: Rapidly validate and optimize strategies at scale

Speed and accuracy matter when backtesting trading strategies. Assess the viability and effectiveness of your trading hypotheses, performing rapid simulations using petabyte-scale datasets with ease.

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Key benefits

Time To Value Backtesting Use Case Icon - KX

Shorten time-to-value

Evaluate hypotheses at the speed of thought and get watertight strategies to market faster than competitors.

High-performance data processing

Handle and process large volumes of historical time-series data quickly, enabling faster backtesting cycles.

Develop robust and accurate models

Fine-tune strategies against a wide range of data to improve alpha generation and minimize market impact.

Granular Analysis Backtesting Icon - KX

Granular analysis

Perform granular, point-in-time, trade performance investigation to improve insights.

With KX you can…

Easily and efficiently aggregate large volumes of historical data to the precision required by your models.

Leverage highly performant join capabilities to determine market conditions at specific points in time (“as of”) or periods of time (“window”).

Run your logic on multiple dates in parallel, significantly shortening backtest execution times.

Reconstruct National Best Bid and Offer (NBBO) or order books at any time in the past.

Replay historical data to simulate real time feeds and assess how your strategy would have performed.

Customer Stories

Discover richer, actionable insights for faster, better informed decision making

ADSS leverages KX real-time data platform to accelerate its transformational growth strategy.

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Stifel Financial Corp leverages kdb+ for Enhanced Trading Analytics

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  • Interact in real-time
  • Personalize your exploration
  • Guide your implementation
  • Clarify concerns/questions
  • Understand real-world scenarios

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    A verified G2 leader for time-series